Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Let Me Explain, No There Is To Much, Let Me Sum Up

Everyday at work haha

Huge! Monumental things have happened since my last post. I went through the temple for the first time about three weeks ago. What an amazing experience! For those of you who don't know what are temples are all about you can read about them here or watch this sweet video.

I'm so grateful for my family! They have been so supportive and loving through this whole process.

Let me tell you, and I'm sure some of you know, that the journey to becoming a missionary is not easy. Satan is constantly there to trip you up. And the wait. . .  oooo child. In the grand sceme of things 5 mounths is nothing but right now this journey feels longer then a trip to Mordor and back. BUT I would like to say, exclaim, shout from the roof tops that in 37 days my wait will be over.  I'm going to be a missionary, in England no less! That is insane! Nutso! Thank havens!

For those of you who just got their call and have awhile to go. Make goals! No seriously. It makes the wait a heck of a lot easier. Personally, I (and it seems like the majority of the worlds population) get distracted so easily, but having goals gave me short term things to work towards. For me having little goals to focus on makes the bigger goal much less daunting. So I've made a sort of "bucket list".

Things to do before the mish.:

  • Finish rereading The Book of Mormon (read, read, and then read some more)
  • Finish visa app.
  •  Go to the beach as much as possible!
  •  Go to Disney World with the fambam
  • Read Preach My Gospel
  • Watch the 4th Season of Arrested Development
  • Get semi decent looking walking shoes
  • Plan farewell talk/par -tay!
  • Go to the temple as much as possible

This year has been super crazy, but dang if it hasn't just pulled it self together. I'm just so happy and loving my life! It's not always happy times but I think President Hinckley said it best when he said:

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Confessions of an Anglophile: Part 1


[ang-gluh-fahyl, -fil]  Show IPA
a person who is friendly to or admires England or English customs,institutions, etc.

I'd say I probably fall into this category and for that I blame my sisters. They both have been drinking that British cool-aid (or tea rather heh) since middle school. I live with my sister and I like to tease her about having to wake up to her Doctor Who shrine every morning

I suppose there are worse things I could wake up to. :)

Growing up they introduced me to the comedic stylings of these uh . . .  beautiful people. haha

Front row: Terry JonesJohn CleeseMichael Palin

They are the master minds behind Monty Python and the Holy Grail. . .

Monty Python

and Monty Python's Flying Circus.

In the last couple of years British television has finally been coming back into the limelight. As a result, it seems like Americans have finally discovered the quick wit and dry humor of British television that I originally fell in love with. 

Downton Abbey

The IT Crowd

Doctor Who


And all their beautiful accents. . . just the cherry on top!

And now for something completely different. :)

I feel so blessed to know that the Lord has a plan for me. He knew exactly where I needed to go on a mission. I am so excited to be amongst these amazing people. To serve them and the Lord with all my heart, might, mind, and strength. Doctrine and Covenants 4 


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Decision

     My decision to serve a mission has been a long time coming. . .  I just never knew it. Up until about five months ago it had always just been a thought in the back of my mind, locked up and put in storage to open at a later date. That day came last October when the age for women to serve a mission was lowered from 21 to 19. All of a sudden I found myself digging up the key to that box. All of a sudden I was old enough to serve. When the announcement was made I was in the category of not yet old enough for the previous age but now almost a year older than the new girls. I had so many excuses of why I shouldn't go. Lists of reasons why I wouldn't be good enough or why it would interfere with my other life plans but let's be honest. . . I was scared. The moment the age change was announced I knew it was an answer to my prayers. It just took awhile for my decision to sink in. I started praying to know if a mission was the next step I should take and the feeling of peace was overwhelming. It was the first time in a long time that I had felt completely sure about a decision I had made.
     It is truly amazing the way Heavenly Father prepares us to be able to make such monumental decisions. I have been preparing for this next chapter without even knowing it. :) 

P.S. In all three years of going to school out west I had never had the chance to go to general conference in the conference building in Salt Lake.

until the October 2012 General Conference

my bff Aubree had connections aka her lovely mother in law :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wish List

Not only do I get to serve in the beautiful city of London but I'll also be in the areas north and south east, as highlighted above in yellow. I can't even begin to explain how excited I am to live in these areas and absorb the culture. So here is my P-day wish list:

1. Visit the White Cliffs of Dover

2. Go on a boat tour in Canterbury

3. Walk cute cobble stoney streets
4. Go punting on the Cam River

5. Picnic in Hyde Park

6. Revisit famous London favorites
 Buckingham Palace
Big Ben
London Eye
Globe Theater
Tower Bridge

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Me in a Nutshell

Hello interwebs. This will be attempt number three with keeping a blog but I wholeheartedly believe this time is different. This time is for a more noble cause. This time I have a real purpose. I, Sister Taylor Lee Brady, am serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  For eighteen months I will take you on my journey to jolly ol' England as I serve the people of London and teach them the joys of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

If you care to get to know me a little better you may keep reading, but if you're like me and go cross eyed when you see a big, wordy blog then I just ask you one favor, read the last three paragraphs. They're my favorite and they're short. I promise. :)

  My name is Taylor Lee Brady. I was born on October 23, 1992 in Salisbury, Maryland. I grew up in an beautiful, old white farm house surrounded by acres of corn fields and shiny, industrial chicken coops in Willards, Maryland. Despite occasionally being downwind from the coops or being thoroughly creeped out going outside at night, it was an awesome place to grow up. There were endless places to explore and I loved it! 

  I have two older sisters, Elizabeth who is 6 years older and Kelsey who is 4 years older. I was the youngest in my family for 17 years until (SURPRISE!) my little brother Adam was born the summer before I went to college. He's a super cute, kick butt, genius baby. He's awesome and has been a great blessing to our family. The whole experience has given me a very real glance into motherhood, without having to pull a Juno and pop one out myself yet.
  My family has always been very close. We were, are, and forever shall be all up in each others business. It's all out of love and I wouldn't have it any other way. :) Honestly, we kind of need to be. Ever since my sisters and I left for college we have been bouncing around all over creation. Ultimately, I would love to have my family close enough to visit on a regular basis. That can't always happen, so being super communicators is the next best thing. Family is very important to me, they are my rock, the people I know I can always rely on.
 My grandparents, Nana and Popi, have always been a huge part of my life. Their house was a second home to me growing up. I went to there house everyday after school in middle school and high school. My sisters and I spent every Sunday afternoon at their house making crafts, playing board games, and helping cook sunday dinners (there may also have been some heated discussions over the television bc the g-rents had cable, which in the early 00's meant the duel between Trading Spaces and Spongebob,. . .  but we'll keep this post in a happy place). My family's Sunday night dinners have been a cherished tradition. Even today we keep the tradition alive, taking turns skyping in if we're away. It's great having that time we can spend together and bond as a family.

  Although my house was in a rural area, I was still only 20 minutes away from Ocean City, Maryland which is one of the largest beach resorts on the East Coast. It is also where my mother’s side of the family are from. My great grandma is the oldest living Ocean City native and one of the only year round residents living on the island. I spent my summers in Ocean City with my great grandma working on the boardwalk in a pizzeria and going to the beach. Heavenly Father was looking out for me when I got assigned to leave for my mission on June 27 because you know I'm going to be camped out on the beach that whole month before I go. . . with my family of course. :) Ocean City is were a lot of my family history lies but it’s a side of my family that we don’t know a lot about. I hope to be able to do some research and uncover the lost names on that side of my family. London has an amazing family history center that I hope to visit. That would be a dream come true.
Growing up I loved to watch the news. I always wanted to be involved with what was going on in the world and in politics. At one point I wanted to be a reporter, getting involved, traveling, and reporting the latest news. I am currently a Communications major with an Advertising emphasis, which is absolutely perfect! I get to talk to people, be nosy, and tell stories. Whether they be about a person or a blanket with arm holes, I am happy. :)
  "Oh and music is pretty cool too, I guess." is what I am putting for my music lovey-dovey paragraph because I am tired and I love it so much that I need to have better brain function to finish it; BUT luckily I wrote the last three paragraphs of this bloggy-post first so they will be readable. Ready set go! 
Through life, I  have experienced blessings from the gospel. I have had times of darkness, selfishness, and pride. I was desperate to get out of that dark place and I knew I needed to start taking steps back on the right path. I also knew I couldn’t do it on my own. I needed to step back, pray and ask for guidance and help. Heavenly Father is very mindful of every single prayer. He loves us, and He does not want us to be stuck in the darkness. This is why He sent Jesus Christ, so we can have that light we require in our life. We will receive that help and guidance we need when we ask Him. This humbling moment helped me become a happier person. It helped me view the positive side of even the hardest situations in life. I believe that happiness comes from the love of our Savior. The Savior loves us so much that He was willing to give His life for us. He was willing to endure every trial that ever has and every will be faced on this earth. Therefore He knows exactly how we are feeling even at our lowest points. If we pray for comfort and guidance, He will provide the exact help that we need. 

I know that Heavenly Father and our Savior love me. I have been so blessed to be able to see the work of the Lord in my life every day. I know that Heavenly Father sent His son, Jesus Christ, to earth to atone for each and every one of our sins. I know that because of the Atonement we are able to receive eternal life. The Atonement was an act of love, obedience, and sacrifice for which I am very grateful.

My family, my faith, and my curiosity for life has shaped who I am today. I hope to make to most of my life, work hard, and endure to the end.